Fortuna in the Community
Fortuna AMC also brings public relations and communications capacities to non-financial sector clients, particularly those active in local communities across the UK.
The company is keen to support such businesses as their presence on the high street and elsewhere brings local community benefits in the form of, among others, education, skills development and employment. Collectively, these can make a contribution to community development and cohesion.
Businesses poised for growth, often through a franchise or multi-branch model, have a need to get messages out to national and local press, radio and television. Managing successful local press relations alongside digital channels is particularly important for these types of local businesses.
The journey began in 2000, when Kathryn Harper combined her creative inclination and her experience in paediatric speech and language therapy to develop an art programme for children.
In 2016 daughter – Managing Director Emily Harper – saw the opportunity to build an art tuition company that would represent the future of art education nationally, and art-K was born. Together Emily and Kathryn (Creative Director) have grown art-K to more than 30 clubs, teaching 3000+ students per week and employing over 100 artists.
From 2018 David Harper, with long experience in the corporate world, started to support art-K on a contractual basis to help build a strong corporate governance in anticipation of rapid growth.
art-K’s goal is to ensure that every child passionate about art has the chance to be a part of an art-K club in their local area. It is looking to build a community of individuals who share a common passion and enthusiasm for creating art.
art-K classes focus on fundamental principles of art, which can be used as building blocks by its students to develop their skills and confidence in experimenting with different artistic styles and mediums. That is why its classes are tailored to individuals and open to everyone.